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albums starting from K

Kurta Pajama (Ashu Twinkle)
Kurti Chint Ki (Boota Singh)
Kurti Dhilli (Rahul Puthi and Rinkal Yogi)
Kutta Billi (Raj Mawar and Ashu Twinkle)
Kuwariya (Manbir Singh)
Kuwe Pe (Ashu Khan)
Kya Baat Hai (Vishvajeet Choudhary and Simran Bumrah)
Kya Cheej Bnai (Pawan Dagar, Sonu Soni, Vicky Rajput and others...)
Kyate Marjani Nate Se (Sonu Singhania)
Kyu Biya Ke Laya (Mohit Sharma)
Kyu Fuke Chati Re (Tarun Panchal)
Kyu Hui Khafa (Deepak Dev)
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