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albums starting from B

Baba Chah Da Cup Banade (Baaz Singh Baaz)
Baba Putthe Pange Na Lai (Jasvir Jassi)
Babal Da Vehra (Malkit Singh, Various, Dolly Guleria and others...)
Babbar Sher (Dalwinder Dyalpuri)
Babbu Maan (Live in PU) (Babbu Mann)
Babbu Maan Live Show Bhauwal (Babbu Maan)
Babbu Maan Mashup (Babbu Mann)
Babbu Mann (Remix) (Kaler Kanth, Babbu Mann, Inderjit Nikku and others...)
Babbu Manns Remix Hits Vol 3 (Babbu Mann)
Babe Da Tal Kharkani Aan (Charanjit Channi)
Bach Ke (Ishaan)
Bach Ke Morh Ton (Sardool Sikander, Various, Jaspinder Narula and others...)
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