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albums starting from C

Club Cubic Remix (Pure Music For Your Club Party) (Various, Gippy Grewal, Bill Singh and others...)
Club Fusion (Amrinder Gill, Dj Sanj, Manak E and others...)
Club Punjab (Lakhwinder Lucky, Jazzy B, Gurdas Maan and others...)
Club Wich (Single) (Kamal Heer)
Cobra (Jazzy B)
Cocktail (Tonn-E)
Coffee (Harbans Sahota and Harbans Sahota & Raj Gulzar)
Coffee (Harbans Sahota)
Coin (Sikka) (Various)
Coke Glassy (Promo) (Daljit Mattu)
Coke Studio At MTV - Season 4 Episode 4 (Sona Mohapatra and Bhanvari Devi)
Coke Studio MTV Season 3 Episode 7 (Shruti Pathak)
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