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albums starting from G

Giddha Pao (Sahotas)
Gidehya De Vich (Promo) (SK1)
Gidha Beatz (Gippy Grewal, Mangi Mahal, Debi Makhsospuri and others...)
Gidha Beatz (Gippy Grewal, Mangi Mahal, Debi Makhsospuri and others...)
Gidha Boliyan (Kuldeep Manak)
Gidhe Vich (Gulzar Lahoria, Parveen Bharta, Surinderjit Maksoodpuri and others...)
Gidhe Vich Nachna (Sardool Sikander)
Gidhe Wich (Various)
Gidhe Wich Gulabo Nachdi (Satwinder Bitti)
Gidhey Vich Udde Phulkari (Jassi Jaspal)
Gidhian Di Raniye (A S Kang)
Gidhiyan Di Rani Ft Miss Pooja (Miss Pooja)
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