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albums starting from J

Jatt Swa Lakh (Gopi Cheema)
Jatt Te Lubane (Love Singh Multani)
Jatt Tinka (APS Tinka Gill, Sudesh Kumari, Miss Pooja and others...)
Jatt vs IELTS (Sarthi K, Master Saleem, Mandy Dhiman and others...)
Jatt Vs Study (Gavy Hunjan)
Jatt Vs Study ft Munda Kamsi (Gavy Hunjan)
Jatt Yamla (Maanki)
Jatta Aai Visakhi Vol 1 (Various, Minoo Purshottan, Shamshad Begum and others...)
Jatta Ayee Vaisakhi (Harmandeep, Preet Brar, Harjit Harman and others...)
Jatta Ayi Vaisakhi (Yudhveer Manak, Gitta Bains, Harman Jeet and others...)
Jattan De 2 Thikaney (Jeeta Pawar)
Jattan De Kakke (Devinder Rathore)
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