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albums starting from O

Only For You (Vicky Dildar)
Only Jugni (Classic Versions) (Alam Lohar, Surinder Kaur, Bibi Swarn Noora and others...)
Only Love Gets Reply (Ikka)
Only One (Bonafide)
Open Jeep (Vikram Singh Jhandi, Balbir Bhatti, Aman Sotal and others...)
Open Lion 2 (Indra Dhillon)
Otalan Kabaddi March 2015 (Jass Bajwa, Dilpreet Dhillon, Ranjit Bawa and others...)
Other Hit Remix (Various)
Our Destiny (Various and Satwinder Bitti)
Our Style (Sukshinder Shinda and Jazzy B)
Ous Kudi Ne (Sardool Sikander)
Out Of Darkness (Various)
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