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Whats In A Name (Jasmine Sandlas)
Whatz Up (Bhinda Jatt)
Whiksy Akhiyan Di (Hardev Mahinangal, Sukhpal Pali, Gora Chakwala and others...)
Whiksy Akhiyan Di (Hardev Mahinangal, Sukhpal Pali, Gora Chakwala and others...)
Whisky (Bhupinder Dhaliwal)
Whisky De Peg Vargi (Didar Sandhu)
White Bangles (Feroz Khan)
White Magic (Banny A)
Wicked & Wild (Group Holle Holle)
Wicked & Wild Vol 3 (Dj Hot Needle)
Wildcard (G Sidhu)
Winner (Baaghi)
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