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albums starting from J

Jatt Alcoholic (Gopi Cheema)
Jatt Babbu Maan Warga (Sukha Maan)
Jatt Baneya Firda Ranjha (Kulwant Kaur)
Jatt Boli (LL Cool Jatt)
Jatt Brand (Ricky Singh)
Jatt Brand (Mani Baghe Waliya)
Jatt Cobra (V Karam)
Jatt Da Gujara (Lakhwinder Rugla)
Jatt Da Style (Desifx)
Jatt Da Tralla (Kulvinder Kahlon and Mr Virus)
Jatt Da Tralla (Dilraj and Gurlez Akhtar)
Jatt Da Viah (Ajay Khehra)
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