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albums starting from V

Velly Uthe (Dilpreet Dhillon and Sanj Pal)
Velly Uthe (Sanj Pal and Dilpreet Dhillon)
Velly Yaar (Harry Harinder)
Velly Yaar (Jass Sangha)
Velna (Gippy Grewal)
Veracity (Nikhs B, Pankaj, Mr.Suddam and others...)
Verified Jatt (Gurj Sidhu)
Verri Dukk Ke (Jorge Gill)
Verri Tabbar (Kirpal Sandhu)
Versace (Mankirat Aulakh)
Versace (Mankirt Aulakh and Lil Daku)
Versace Ft. Lil Daku (Mankirat Aulakh)
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