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Ashu Twinkle albums Mp3 Download Page 8

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Teri Akhyan Ka Shikaar (Ashu Twinkle)
Dahej Mein Pakistan (Raj Mawar and Ashu Twinkle) Recommended
Disco Farista (Farista and Ashu Twinkle)
Kurta Pajama (Ashu Twinkle)
Kali Thar (Surender Romio and Ashu Twinkle)
Parcha 307 (Hammy Muzic and Ashu Twinkle)
Defaulter (Narender Bhagana and Ashu Twinkle)
Naina Ki Bandook (Ashu Twinkle)
Bhai Badmash (Raj Mawer and Ashu Twinkle)
Hath M Donali (Ishu Kaswan and Ashu Twinkle)
Rubicon (Kabira and Ashu Twinkle)
Sheher Mein Charche (Ashu Twinkle and Beniwal Dhyana)
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