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Fateh songs Mp3 Download Page 2

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Talja Ve (Sunny Fateh)
Ranjha Beimaan (Fateh Shergill)
Hot Boys (Fateh and Mani Longia)
Ik Duje Vaaste (Deep Fateh)
Wanted (Fateh Shergill)
Uproar (Fateh Shergill)
Unique Number (Fateh Shergill)
Meet Once (Fateh Shergill)
Cotton Candy (Fateh Shergill)
Jind Khushboo Khushboo (Sukshinder Shinda and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan)
Still The Same (Fateh and Himmat Sandhu)
Fateh (Mani Longia)
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