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Fateh songs Mp3 Download Page 8

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Piyaji Dekho (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan)
Suun Yaara (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan)
Bewafaiyan (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Ammar Masood)
Fateh (G Khan)
Fateh Morcha (Virasat Sandhu)
Main Te Meri Gaddi (Parmish Verma and Fateh Shergill) Recommended
Black Jays (Himmat Sandhu and Fateh Doe) Recommended
Fateh Anthem (Shree Brar)
De Jaam (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan)
Zero (Fateh Shergill)
Attitude (Fateh and Inderpal Moga)
Jugni Ji (Happy Singh and Fateh Siyan)
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