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Gur albums Mp3 Download Page 5

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Khatarnak (Gur Waraich and Deepak Dhillon)
Satgur Nanak Aaja (Pamma Dumewal)
LifeLine (Gurlez Akhtar and Kulwinder Kally)
Janam Tareek Bottle (Gurlluv)
Shakeeni (Gurnam Bhullar)
Mange figure Firoti (Amit Saini Rohtakiya)
Dil Todeya (Qarn and Guri Lahoria)
For A Reason (Guru Sekhon)
Bamb Circle (Jung Sandhu and Gurj Sidhu)
Gallan (Gurinder Gill)
Cult Figure (Akbar Brar)
Boutique (Gurnaaz Dhillon)
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