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Chalo Shiv Dham (Kumar Sanjay)
Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas (Bibi Satnam Kaur)
Flawless Pyar (A S Kang, Alyssia, Deepi and others...)
Hum Kooker Tere Darbar (Bhai Satnam Singh Khalsa)
Kudi Mili Kamaal (Sonu Nigam)
Janam Katha Sri Guru Gobind Singh Vol 7 (Bhai Amarjit Singh Taan)
Janam Katha Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Bachitra Natak) (Bhai Amarjit Singh Taan)
Amrit Vela (Snatam Kaur Khalsa)
Aadays Tisai Aadays (Snatam Kaur Khalsa)
Live In Concert (Snatam Kaur Khalsa)
To Heaven and Beyond (Snatam Kaur Khalsa)
Mothers Blessing (Snatam Kaur Khalsa)
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