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NACHDA PUNJAB 2013 (Deep Shergill, Parvez Peji, Ranjit Mani and others...)
Aas The Hope (Gurbaksh Shonki, Raj Sargam, Paramjit Kaur Pammi and others...)
Albums & A-Levels (Govind Bhachu, Sarvjeet Kaur, Paramjit Pamm and others...)
Anhoni (Param Somal)
Ankhi Yodhe (Param Swaich)
Att Jehi Kurhi (Param Rajput)
Aunde Rahe (Param Sabi)
Baisakhi Special (Buta Mohammad, Dalwinder Dayalpuri, Satvir Satti and others...)
Bismillah (Param Gill)
Bismillah (Param Gill)
Chann Jiha Roop (Param Vee)
Chann Naal Yaari (Paramjit Pamm and Miss Pooja)
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