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Theka Celebration (Baljit)
Goal (Sunny Sohal)
Sinner (Darsh Kamalpurewala)
Childhood Fav (Amar Sandhu)
Soorma Bhindranwala (Dhadi Manjinder Singh Shergill and Dhadi Rasal Singh)
Teer Wala Baba (Sukhwinder Panchi and Tarli Digital)
Stand Up (SSB Bhakar and Tiger Singh)
Singh Ni Bol De (Sukhi Sivia and DJ Jesta)
Salute a Singh (Dj Sunpreet and Whosdisprak)
Putt Sardara De (Jazzy B and Byg Byrd)
Goli,Harj Nagra (Jaswinder Daghamia)
Get the Strap (Singh Souljha and Tarli Digital)
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