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Top 20 Fateh Gill Songs

1. 3 Case (302) (Fateh Gill) + Video
2. Han Karti (Fateh Gill)
3. Upgrade (Fateh and GillThaGeneral)
4. Teri Saun (Fateh Gill)
5. Point Em Out (Fateh and GillThaGeneral)
6. 3 Case (Fateh Gill)
7. Aja Nachiye (Fateh Gill)
8. Chaska (Fateh Gill and Swati)
9. Gabru Velly (Fateh Gill)
10. Haan Karti (Fateh Gill)
11. Jattan Wali Jid (Fateh Gill)
12. Kundiyan De Sing (Fateh Gill)
13. Zaad Thale (Fateh Gill)

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Fateh Gill Top 20 Songs Download

Fateh Gill Top Songs Download

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