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Happy Ghotra Top 20 Albums

1. Jashan 2006 (Bukan Jatt, Amar Arshi, Jassi Sohal and others...)
2. Rounka Punjab Diyan 2014 (Rai Jujhar, Pammi Bai, K S Makhan and others...)
3. Folk N Duet (Amar Arshi, Kaler Kanth, Sabar Koti and others...)
4. Folk N Duet (Amar Arshi, Sudesh Kumari, Nirmal Sidhu and others...)
5. Rounka Punjab Diyan (Rai Jujhar, Pammi Bai, K S Makhan and others...)
6. Dil Haunke Bharda (Happy Ghotra)

Happy Ghotra Top 20 Albums Songs Download

Happy Ghotra Top Albums Songs Download

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