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Palla Top 20 Albums

1. Palla Udde (Raj Mawar and Swara Verma)
2. Mool Mantar (Acapalla Jatha, Bhai Harbans Singh, Dya Singh Daughters and others...)
3. Black Eyebrow (Bohemia and Pallavi Sood) Recommended
4. Music MG (Millind Gaba, Kamal Raja, Guru Randhawa and others...) Recommended
5. Lamborghini (Jass Manak) Recommended
6. 2 Seater (Mika Singh and Pallavi Sood) Recommended
7. Fake Promises (Palla)
8. Biba (Dilbagh Singh and Pallavi Gaba)
9. Palla Latke (Masoom Sharma)
10. Palla Latka Ke (Deepak Mor)
11. Sach Da Palla (Hukam Jamalgarhi)
12. Hath Pallah (feat. Jelly Manjitpuri) ()
13. Chhad Mera Palla (Various)
14. Hath Pallah (Wizzy Wiz)
15. Desi Revolution Vol 1 (Bohemia, Pallavi, Honey Singh and others...)
16. Chad Ke Na Jawi (Single) (Pallavi)

Palla Top 20 Albums Songs Download

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