Samsunny Top 20 Songs
Top 20 Samsunny Songs
1. Babal Pardesi
(Miss Rajdeep Gifty and Samsunny)
2. Dhokha
3. Hor Di Vi
4. Ishq Tere
(Ruhinder and Samsunny)
5. Italy 2
(Lehmber Hussainpuri and Samsunny)
6. Ohdi Marji
(Butte Shah and Samsunny)
7. Paisa Auan De Sahi
(Ruhinder and Samsunny)
8. Punjab
(Kulwinder Sunner and Samsunny)
9. Pushde Aan
(Manpreet Chera and Samsunny)
Samsunny Top 20 Songs Download
Samsunny Top Songs Download
Top 20 Samsunny Songs, Top 20 Samsunny Album Free, free download Samsunny all songs high quailty in zip - riskyjatt.com
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