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Time Lyrics - Ashu Soni, Ikka Aboharia

Time Lyrics by Ashu Soni, Ikka Aboharia
Title: Time
Album: Time
Singer: Ashu Soni, Ikka Aboharia
Music: Sunil Jangid
Lyricist: Ikka Aboharia
Label: Pb 15 Record
Category: Single Songs
Released: 19 November 2018
Time Lyrics by Ashu Soni,Ikka Aboharia, Time song is sung by Ashu Soni,Ikka Aboharia. Time song lyrics are written by Ikka Aboharia and music of new song is given by Sunil Jangid. Time Mp3 song promote by Pb 15 Record and released on 19 November 2018 in Single Songs category.

Time Lyrics

Time Ashu Soni lyrics ikka Aboharia time Ashu Soni ikka Aboharia time
Ohnu duniya mein chak Dunga jihne vi time tera
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